Forever Young BBL™

Forever Young BBL™: Delaying Skin Aging and Maintaining Healthy Skin Using Broad Band Light or BBL™, we can begin to slow down the natural aging process and revive your skin, giving you a more youthful looking appearance.
BBL™ can treat a variety of skin conditions, including rosacea, sun damage, and aged skin. Ground-breaking research conducted by board certified dermatologists and plastic surgeons shows that patients who were treated with BBL over an eight-year long time period, demonstrated skin rejuvenation and dramatically restored elasticity of what could be compared to better and more youthful looking skin (Bitter, 2012).
Having regular BBL™ treatments every year, is clinically proven to delay the aging process and maintain healthy looking skin. The number of treatments needed will vary based on your skin type and how much damage needs to be corrected, but most patients receive between three and five treatments at four-week intervals. This non-invasive treatment is perfect for anyone who has significant sun damage, or those in their early 30’s or 40’s who wish to maintain their youthful looking appearance in later years. Patients who undergo regular procedures will see continuous age-defying results.
To find out more about how you can turn the clock back on your skin and look Forever Young™, call our office to book a complimentary consultation.
The Treatment | Forever Young BBL™ | Sciton from Sciton on Vimeo.